Village Grande at Ancient Oaks is a private community located in the City of Peoria, Illinois. It operates under a Homeowners Association that is governed by a Board of Directors and various Committees to ensure that our grounds are maintained in compliance with our Covenants and Bylaws. Our community is within Dunlap School District 323.
Architectural Committee – This committee reviews all drawings for all construction within Village Grande in order to enforce a uniform plan for reviewing new development and homeowner improvements for compliance of our Covenants and Bylaws.
Maintenance Committee– This committee evaluates the present and future needs of Village Grande regarding maintenance, upkeep, and beautification of the entire Village property. Various projects include anything from new plantings and flowers for the common areas, street projects, irrigation system, lighting, gate maintenance, etc.
Social Committee – This committee plans social events within Village Grande, including summer gatherings in our Park, and our annual December Holiday Celebration.